Comprehensive Solutions for Enhanced Mobile Security

Elevate Your Security with Our Suite of Advanced Products


At SDM Technologies, we are proud to offer a range of cutting-edge solutions designed to strengthen mobile security across different aspects of your organization. Our product portfolio includes the Secure Android Phone, Realms OS, Secure Communications Apps, Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), and Global Connectivity. Each product is meticulously crafted to address specific security challenges and provide unparalleled protection for your sensitive data. With our secure hardware and virtualization capabilities, encrypted communication apps, and robust management tools, our suite of products offers a holistic approach to fortifying your mobile ecosystem. With our solutions, you can confidently mitigate risks, protect your information, and enhance productivity across your organization.

Hardened Phone

Protecting Your Digital Life

Our Hardened Endpoint solution is specifically designed to secure consumer smartphones at the hardware level. Through a combination of advanced security measures including Secure and Verified Boot, Kernel Hardening, OS Component Removal, and Hardware Devices Disabled, we establish a strong foundation for mobile device security. Additionally, our solution incorporates essential processes and workflows that prioritize security by default and design. Features such as Policy Control, Unified Lockscreen, Zero-touch Enrollment, Single Packet Authorization (SPA), VPN, Custom Certificates, Secure GPS, Timed Shutdown, and Forced Lock further enhance the overall security posture. With our Hardened Endpoint solution, you can confidently ensure a highly secure and resilient mobile experience.

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