Mobile security
     made easy.

In a world of complex cyber security threats, we offer an easy solution for security-sensitive organizations. SDM Technologies is your trusted partner for secured mobile communication and productivity.


Secure Android Smartphone

Our Secure Android phone provides an unmatched level of hardware-based security and comprehensive features to deliver a highly secure and resilient mobile experience.

Realms OS

Realms OS revolutionizes mobile security with simultaneous operation of multiple independent Android operating systems, offering unparalleled versatility and uncompromising security for a seamless and protected mobile experience.

Secure Communications Apps

Our suite of Secure Apps utilize peer-reviewed protocols to ensure the utmost protection for your sensitive information and confidential communication.

Enterprise Mobility Management

Empower your organization with our comprehensive Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution, offering robust security, advanced capabilities, and full control over your secure communication ecosystem, ensuring efficiency, scalability, and peace of mind.

Global Connectivity

Unlock secure global communication with our comprehensive Global Connectivity solution, providing flexible network access worldwide. Stay connected, productive, and confident, backed by our unwavering commitment to security, quality, and reliability.

Infrastructure as Code

Fullstack secure infrastructure that is able to be deployed without the risk of human errors. Automatic certificate management to empower private TLS that is mapped to specific roles and services, with isolation built from the ground up in Kubernetes and Helm.

See it in Action

Screensharing is the easiest way to explain how smooth virtualized workflows on mobile can be.

Additional Layers of Device Security

Protecting Your Digital Life

Our secure Android phone is equipped with additional layers of device security to safeguard your sensitive data. With built-in hardware-level encryption, Secure Boot, and robust authentication mechanisms, we ensure your personal and professional information remains private and protected from unauthorized access.

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